
Searching all stock for "bar":

SE.SuperviewS > Creative views: what is it? > Patterns (1 file)

Natural and man made patterns
 Patterns formed by tree bark 
 Keywords: Tree bark, patterns

SE.SuperviewS > Flowers, trees and plants > Trees and branch silhouettes (2 files)

Trees and branch silhouettes in the UK, France, Hawaii and other countries around the world
Colourful bark on Rainbow Eucalyptus2 
 Colourful bark on Rainbow Eucalyptus at Waimea Beach Park, Hawaii 
 Keywords: Colourful bark, Rainbow Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus deglupta), Waimea Beach Park, Hawaii
Colourful bark on Rainbow Eucalyptus7 
 Keywords: Waimea Beach Park, Hawaii

SE.SuperviewS > Landscapes and Travel > St Kitts and Nevis (1 file)

Various views & scenes in St Kitts and Nevis
Nisbet Plantation beach0914 
 White sand beach on Atlantic coast, Nisbet Plantation Inn, Nevis 
 Keywords: St Kitts & Nevis, Nevis, Caribbean, Nisbet Plantation Inn, Atlantic beach, surf, bar, yellow sand

SE.SuperviewS > Wildlife > Birds > Garden Birds (1 file)

Close up shots of French and English garden birds, mostsly taken with a telephoto lens. Some are actually with a macro lens: stunned birds that flew into a window and eventually flew away after a shocking experience!
Blue Tit (6) 
 Blue Tit on twig farmed by balcony metal bars 
 Keywords: Blue Tit, Cyanistes caeruleus, Coulonges les Sablons, Orne, 61, France

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