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SE.SuperviewS > Creative views: what is it? > Art (1 file)

Works of art produced by artists, nature or the universe...
La Tapisserie de la Genèse 
 Keywords: Dans l’abbatiale romane de l’Abbaye aux Dames à Saintes (Charente maritime), tapisseries, Jean-François FAVRE, La Tapisserie de la Genèse, France

SE.SuperviewS > Wildlife > Birds > Sea Gulls (open collection)

Dancing, flying, posing and fighting seagulls

SE.SuperviewS > Wildlife > Insects > Spiders and Scorpions (open collection)

No animal is dangerous unless it feels under threat... explains some of these shots of tarantula and scorpions

SE.SuperviewS > Wildlife > Reptiles (open collection)

Poison frogs, crocodiles, toads, only dangerous if you get too close to them and quite harmless lizards and turtles