
Searching all stock for "glass":

SE.SuperviewS > Architecture and buildings > Modern Buildings and Decor (1 file)

Modern buildings and structures around the world
Sing buildings0050 
 Building reflection on glass clad high rise buiding, Singapore 
 Keywords: Singapore, glass clad, reflection

SE.SuperviewS > Architecture and buildings > Stained glass (17 files)

Stained glass windows in France, Jersey and Tunisia
Jers006Stained glass 4 
 Stained glass window in Church, Jersey 
 Keywords: stained glass, window
Stained glass France 
 Stained glass window in Church, France 
 Keywords: stained glass, window, France
Stained glass France 0012 
 Keywords: France
Stained glass France 0826 
 Keywords: France
Stained glass France 0827 
 Keywords: France
Stained glass France 0942 
 Keywords: France
Stained glass France 0943 
 Keywords: France
Stained glass France 7407 
 Keywords: France
Stained glass France 7408 
 Keywords: France
Stained glass France 7410 
 Keywords: France
Stained glass Jers0060 
 Stained glass window in Church, Jersey 
 Keywords: stained glass, window
Stained glass Jers0061 
 Stained glass window in Church, Jersey 
 Keywords: stained glass, window
Stained glass Jers0062 
 Stained glass window in Church, Jersey 
 Keywords: stained glass, window
Stained glass Jers0063 
 Stained glass window in Church, Jersey 
 Keywords: stained glass, window
Stained glass Jers0065 
 Stained glass window in Church, Jersey 
 Keywords: stained glass, window
Stained glass Jers0067 
 Stained glass window in Church, Jersey 
 Keywords: stained glass, window
Stained glass window 
 Stained glass window in church, Britanny; France 
 Keywords: stained glass window, Bretagne, France

SE.SuperviewS > Creative views: what is it? > Close up (open collection)

If you are in to patterns, colours or everyday objects as seen under a magnifying glass you'll like some of these unusual and macro shots...

SE.SuperviewS > Creative views: what is it? > Reflections (open collection)

Lake, river, ice and glass reflections produce some interesting images

SE.SuperviewS > Wildlife > Birds > Garden Birds (1 file)

Close up shots of French and English garden birds, mostsly taken with a telephoto lens. Some are actually with a macro lens: stunned birds that flew into a window and eventually flew away after a shocking experience!
European Goldfinch 
 European Goldfinch portrait (still stunned after flying into pane of glass) 
 Keywords: European Goldfinch, Goldfinch, Carduelis carduelis, Camberley, Surrey, UK, EU

SE.SuperviewS > Wildlife > Reptiles > Frogs & Toads (2 files)

Tree, poison dart and other frogs and toads
Glass frog6262 
 Glass frog 
 Keywords: Glass frog, Centrolenidae, Costa Rica, Central America, Pacific Coast, transparent, see through
Glass frog6264 
 Glass frog over torchlight 
 Keywords: Glass frog, Centrolenidae, Costa Rica, Central America, Pacific Coast, transparent, see through

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