
Searching all stock for "larva":

SE.SuperviewS > Wildlife > Insects > Butterflies, moths and caterpillars (1 file)

Malachite, common blue and many other colourful buttreflies in various countries
green caterpillar DSC7496 
 Angle Shades Moth (Phlogophora meticulosa) larva (green caterpillar) eating flower stalk 
 Keywords: Angle Shades Moth (Phlogophora meticulosa), green caterpillar

SE.SuperviewS > Wildlife > Insects > Flies, maggots and pests (1 file)

Mite feeding on a midge and a few fly shots
Aphid DSC7555 
 Predatory Grall Midge larva wriggling and shaking whilst sucking juices out of aphid (greenfly). 1mm in length & as sharp as possible with 5 X magnifacation and subject movement 
 Keywords: Predatory Grall Midge larva, aphidoletes aphidimyza, biological pest control

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